New and Improved WorkDocs Sync Client Experience
WorkDocs Sync Client provides native experience on Windows File Explorer and Mac Finder for users to create, view and update their WorkDocs content. As the number of team using WorkDocs increases, the content users’ collaborate on and upload to their WorkDocs cloud storage has been increasing exponentially. This growth has led to situations where limited local storage on user’s Windows or Mac computer is impacting her ability to access the documents she needs to do her job. To address these limitations, WorkDocs had introduced a feature called “Selective Sync” which users can configured via the WorkDocs Sync Client settings. Intention with “Selective Sync” feature was to allow users to only sync the content that is important for tasks at hand on that machine and do not fill-up the local disk space with all their WorkDocs content.
Over the last year, we’ve been pleasantly surprised by how much data users are uploading to WorkDocs. Users are also asking finer controls in Sync Client so that their computers are not running out of disk space. We have closely listened to the feedback from our users, analyzed usage patterns and have redesigned the core algorithms to improve the behavior with “Selective Sync” functionality. As part of these changes, we have also enhanced the user experience with “Selective Sync” UI.
Updates made to WorkDocs Sync Client:
- Consistency with “Selective Sync”: Selective Sync UI will now show all the content within “My Documents” and “Shared with Me” root folders. The user’s preference on folders/files she selects on a given computer will be persistent and only those documents will be downloaded locally. No more frustration with inconsistent behavior on what is selected v/s what is being downloaded.
- Ability to prevent new content getting downloaded: User will now see an option to uncheck -“New Files and Folders” for all the folders under- My Documents and Shared with Me. This was not possible in the previous versions. But with this new capability, users will not have to worry about new/accidental content shared with them and filling up local hard drive of their machine without them noticing.
- Better User Experience: The Selective Sync UI will now have the folders sorted alphabetically with size (on disk) of the folder/files shown alongside the folder name. This improved experience will allow users to make explicit choice on what content she wants to be sync’d locally on that computer.
- Improved handling of Read-only Content: When user has view only access for files but makes edits to a local resource, Sync Client will move the edited file to ‘Recovered Files’ folder and download original file.
- One-click log upload: Reporting issues for Sync client is easier now. User can now send the WorkDocs Sync Client logs to engineering team for troubleshooting and faster issue resolution via single click through Sync Client preferences dialogue box.
Available for Windows and Mac:
If you are currently using WorkDocs Sync Client, it will get auto-update with latest version this week [version: 1.2.581.1]. You can also download it from
Additional Documentation:
Please refer to WorkDocs Sync Client documentation and FAQ for additional information: